Students take foundation courses in economics, mathematics, computing skills and accounting; core courses that relate to the basic functions of business, such as finance, management, marketing and operations management; and area of specialization courses that focus on a specific topic, such as international studies, mass communication, criminology, science or a foreign language.The Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration-General Studies (BABA-GBA) degree program allows students to couple a business major with an outside interest. BABA-GBA students can choose from more than 70 areas of specialization that are comprised of courses taught by other UF colleges and departments. The BABA-GBA degree prepares students for a wide variety of business-related careers, for graduate studies in business and for graduate programs related to the area of specialization.BABA-GBA majors are encouraged to gain practical work experience through internships, student organizations and community service. In addition, the Heavener School of Business offers students a wide variety of academic and career and leadership programs, including study abroad, the Florida Leadership Academy, involvement in student organizations and research activities. Students should consult an academic advisor/career coach for specific information.