The M.S. in Biology is a thesis-based degree for which the student completes original, independent research in one of the following areas: Cell and Developmental Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, or Biology Pedagogy Research.

The Master of Science in Biology is designed to provide students the opportunity to contribute original research and share this knowledge through teaching, or to apply it in public service or private industry. The program is distinctive in offering a strong, research-focused and thesis-based M.S. degree with graduate students working closely with their faculty mentor from their first day of entry into the program. The program prepares students for: 1) admission to Ph.D. programs in the biological and biomedical sciences; 2) professional careers with governmental agencies and in the private sector; 3) technical work in education, medical, and environmental settings; and 4) teaching at the two-year college level. Additionally, the program provides opportunities for students to enhance their knowledge of science and the scientific process for teaching at the secondary level and for professional work in other fields.