The Bachelor of Science degree programs in Chemistry/Biochemistry are accredited by the American Chemical Society. Students who satisfactorily complete the program are recommended by the department for certification as graduate chemists by the American Chemical Society. Students completing the Bachelor of Arts degree may be recommended for certification by completing additional requirements of the American Chemical Society.


The graduate chemistry laboratories and support areas are housed in the science building. Students have access to a broad range of instrumentation, including two solution-state NMR spectrometers (300 MHz and 400 MHz), an EPR spectrometer, Jasco-1815 CD spectrometer, a TA instruments nano-DSC, a range of mass spectrometers (including ion trap, micro-TOF and MALDI-TOF-TOF), several HPLC systems. Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometers (transmission and multi-bounce ATR) a range of gas chromatographs (including instruments with mass spectrometer detectors, flame ionization detectors, and electron capture detectors), UV-vis spectrometers, a spectrofluorimeter, an isotope ratio mass spectrometer, X-ray fluorescence and diffraction instruments, and electrochemical analyzers (including spectroelectrochemical systems). Students also have access to a 108-node Linux cluster and several molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics software programs. Library facilities include over 100 journal subscriptions in chemistry plus numerous texts and related books.