The blended program allows students the opportunity to blend subject matter preparation and teacher preparation by offering coursework in both areas concurrently.

The Blended Program blends or integrates three elements - the General Education program, the courses required in the liberal studies major, and the courses required for teacher preparation - which can result in a B.A. in Liberal Studies and a preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential or Educational Specialist Credential. All liberal studies students complete the same program of 99-103 units of general education and major courses but then have several ways in which they may complete their degree. For those pursuing a Multiple Subject or Educational Specialist Credential, most of the credential courses may be included in a carefully planned four-year program.

Liberal studies majors preparing for careers in elementary teaching should expect to find a favorable job market. Recent statistical reports for the Central Valley show that the area population and the number of school-aged children continue to grow. This pattern of growth, along with anticipated attrition from the teaching profession will require additional well-prepared, credentialed elementary teachers.

Liberal studies majors not planning careers in teaching will find that a number of area employers are seeking prospective employees with a broader vision of the world, not normally provided by a narrow specialization. Opportunities are available in people-oriented jobs such as public relations, personnel, medicine, etc.

As liberal studies candidates prepare for entrance into the teaching profession or other careers, they are provided expert assistance from the campus Career Services Office. Assistance in preparing placement files, preparing for job interviews, and searching for suitable employment is readily?