Students use a wide selection of specialized equipment while acquiring a solid theoretical background. Integration of geomatics engineering design concepts spans a sequence of courses throughout the curriculum. Intensive design coursework during the senior year provides a culminating focus. Coursework containing design components includes the following: Computer-Aided Mapping (GME 66) first year; Route and Construction Surveying (GME 40) second year; Stereophotogrammetry (GME 123) and Digital Mapping (GME 126) third year; Subdivision Design (GME 159) and two upper-level technical design courses - Senior Project (GME 180) and Project Design (GME 181) - senior year.

Mission of Geomatics Engineering

The mission of the Geomatics Engineering Program is to provide an educational experience that enriches the lives of students. The program teaches necessary discipline related knowledge and skills to prepare students for their profession. Students learn how to protect the health and welfare of the public while expanding their base of knowledge through research and scholarship.