The department offers the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and a minor. The department will not accept a student with a GPA less than 2.0 as an undergraduate major.

Undergraduate Program

Criminology courses at the undergraduate level include integration of theoretical and applied materials of an interdisciplinary nature. The undergraduate curriculum is designed to prepare students for beginning professional work in criminal justice and to provide preparation for graduate work.?
The corrections option is designed for students interested in careers in probation, parole, correctional institutions, and other affiliated forms of work. The law enforcement option is designed for students interested in careers with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, or law enforcement careers within the private sector. The victimology option is designed for students interested in careers in domestic violence programs, rape counseling programs, victim/witness programs, or other victim-related programs at the local, state, or federal level; these programs can either be criminal justice based or community based. The Forensic Behavioral Sciences option prepares students interested in traditional criminal justice careers. However, it is also designed for students who are interested in the application of other behavioral sciences - such as psychology, anthropology, and linguistics - to the criminal justice system. An internship course is required in corrections, law enforcement, and victimology options.