The program combines the following:

a. A strong emphasis on electrical engineering (primarily electronic circuits and systems)
b. A broad basis in mathematics, physical science, and general engineering
c. Fundamentals of computer science including programming methodology, software engineering, and operating systems
d. Introductory and advanced concepts in the design of computers and computer systems

A rich set of technical area courses is available to allow students to broaden their knowledge within any of several computer engineering areas.

Mission and Educational Objectives

The mission of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to fulfill the needs of the region and state by providing an undergraduate and graduate technical education in electrical engineering and computer engineering to a diverse group of students. Additionally, the department strives to continually update its rigorous programs of study in order to qualify its graduates for positions in industry located in the region and beyond while providing sufficient programmatic breadth and depth to assure a successful practice in the profession. Furthermore, students are grounded in the rigorous scientific and theoretical foundations of the discipline, in order not only to enable graduates to enter and be successful in any advanced level educational program of their choosing, but also to be able to build upon this strong foundation and extend it to new depths.?