The Master of Education with a concentration in Elementary Education prepares teachers who hold a Massachusetts Initial License in elementary education to move to the Professional License. The program prepares students with the content knowledge and strategies appropriate for teaching in elementary classrooms in the 21?st?century.
Program Requirements
The degree requires successful completion of ten (10) courses, which are divided into four (4) core courses, four (4) content courses, and two (2) curriculum specific courses and an oral comprehensive examination. The professional portfolio, based upon the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Professional Standards for Licensure, must be completed and submitted to the advisory of the Elementary Education program at least one week prior to the oral comprehensive examination. The examination is taken in the last semester of study.
?Pedagogical Knowledge &Skills
- The candidate demonstrates an in-depth?understanding of the content of his/her?field and theories related to?developmentally appropriate pedagogy?in the subject area(s).
- ?The candidate knows and understands?the state and national curriculum?standards that guide the instruction in?his/her field.
- The candidate is familiar with types of?skills gaps and preconceptions that?students bring to the subject area, and?demonstrates a repertoire of instructional?strategies, including technology based?strategies that are effective means of?promoting student learning in the subject?area(s).?