Our MSE degree prepares students for the future by broadening and deepening their understanding of engineering principals, state-of-the-art technology, and technical management. Our MSE equips students to succeed in our rapidly-changing world and positions them to become senior engineering professionals or technical managers.

Our graduate program is designed for working engineers taking one or two courses each semester. However, full-time students can also be accommodated, as they can take additional classes in systems engineering, organizational leadership, math & statistics, and engineering technology. In addition, on-line classes from Purdue WL can be taken at a reduced tuition rate. All students are encouraged to conduct research and write a thesis. Research is a high-impact, transformational activity that benefits industry, students, and our program. Industry-sponsored research projects are ideal. A non-thesis MSE option is also available.

Most courses are offered?in the evening?to meet the needs of both full-time students and working adults.