International business is a great area to distinguish yourself in the corporate world. In the global marketplace, it is necessary to understand multi-cultural differences. Being successful within one?s own country is great, but internationally you experience a whole new world of challenges. Customs and business etiquette are vastly different and a simple misunderstanding could mean the end of a business relationship.?

Our Program

With a bachelor degree in international business, you will be ready to accept positions that will not only increase your employability but will provide opportunities for you to see the world. International business majors have the opportunity to add on a minor or a dual major that complements their degree in a variety of areas such as marketing, finance, economics and public relations.

Global Experience

The University of Findlay provides students with many opportunities and resources to study abroad. International business majors can expand their cultural experience and learn global business practices by studying in other places around the world such as India and Japan.?