Career Opportunities

One out of five persons in the United States today is employed by some level of government. This expansion of government has created a vital need for thoughtful, active people who are professionally trained in government and in political science. Typically, as a political science student at NDSU, you may become involved in one of the following areas:

  • National Government -- Graduates with training in political science often occupy administrative positions in the civil service, which offers the advantage of an established promotional system. NDSU works with regional colleges in conducting student internships for the study of the federal government in Washington, D.C.
  • State and Local Government -- The greatest expansion in government is taking place at the state and local levels. Political science students at NDSU may gain experience in this area by participating in internships in Fargo, Washington D.C., at the state capitol in Bismarck or by participating in the North Dakota Intercollegiate Student Legislature.
  • Internship/Field Experience -- The Department of Criminal Justice and Political Science is able to place students in state and national government where they can experience first-hand the functioning government. The department has available a professional-degree program, whereby students can prepare for careers in government service and in management with political party organizations. Internships assist students in preparing for such careers.
  • Teaching, Research and Graduate Work -- Political science offers an excellent background for graduate work. In a study of graduate school examination scores, it was found that of all the social sciences, students of political science scored highest on the verbal ability test.
  • Law -- Many students interested in attending law school elect political science as an undergraduate major. Political science provides an analytical and substantive background relevant to the study of law. The department offers a special program of pre-law advisement and a pre-law emphasis for those students who major in political science. Law schools that political science graduates have attended include University of North Dakota, University of Minnesota, University of Washington, Northwestern, Duke and George Washington University.
  • Law Enforcement -- Law enforcement agencies are now making an effort to hire more people trained at the university level. The Department of Criminal Justice and Political Science cooperates with other departments to offer law enforcement training to students interested in entering the field and in continuing education for law enforcement officials.