Students majoring in physical education will be studying the art and science of human movement, which includes classes in elementary, middle and high school activities; motor learning, physiology and the psychology of human movement; the art of teaching and motivating students; and an appreciation of the individual differences of all people.
Students must earn a grade of B or better in all core physical education courses and must maintain at least a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA) to stay in full-standing in the program.
A graduate leaves prepared to teach in a professional manner, while demonstrating exemplary ethical behavior and displaying current best practices. Graduates are expected to be positive role models for K-12 students in the area of physical education, physical activity and sports.

Career Opportunities

Graduates in physical education find career opportunities teaching in public or private educational settings, coaching within the community, athletic programs including coaching at higher education institutions, community sports positions with parks and recreation facilities, and/or local organizations like the YMCA. If interested in coaching at higher education institutions, students are encouraged to maintain a 3.0 GPA to enhance their possibility for acceptance into graduate school to pursue the necessary master’s degree required to coach at this level.