5-Year Integrated B.A./M.A. Degree Teacher Certification Program in Secondary (science, math, English, social studies, and world languages) or Elementary Education. 5-Year Level I Application are offered.

The programs are organized around reflective inquiry and socially responsible professional practice. We are committed to educating scholar-practitioners who:

  • Have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to enact meaningful connections between theory and practice
  • Promote a developmental model of human growth and learning
  • Exercise ethical professional judgment and leadership
  • Advocate for quality education for all learners

As a student in the 5-year Integrated Bachelors-Masters Degree and Teacher Preparation Program, you will:

  • Earn a BA or BS in your selected major
  • Minor in educational studies (15 credits) and take 2-4 additional teacher preparation courses, depending on certification area
  • Continue teacher preparation as a graduate student
  • Complete a 30-credit MA teacher preparation program (about 14 months)
  • Earn an MA in Secondary or Elementary education and CT teaching certifications
  • Be eligible for a paid teaching internship during your graduate year (up to $15,000 tuition remission)

Our teacher preparation programs are accredited by the State of Connecticut and nationally recognized by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and by their respective national professional organizations. Students completing the teacher preparation programs at Fairfield qualify for an initial teaching certificate as secondary educators (grades 7 through 12) or elementary educators in the state of Connecticut. This certificate is recognized by 38 other states and the District of Columbia, all participants in the NASDTEC Interstate Contract.