Our unified approach to the theory and practice of ethical conduct is designed to raise your level of awareness of the moral dilemmas of your chosen field of practice, of allied fields, and of the society as a whole.

Students who excel in Applied Ethics are:

  • Conversant with representative practices and dilemmas of professional, public, and global regimes
  • Critical thinkers
  • Good, clear, elegant writers
  • Committed to seeking out, and addressing, injustice wherever it may appear in the world

Your learning process will include:

  • Informing Yourselves?- Becoming aware of human suffering (or environmental destruction) anywhere in the world. Make suffering visible rather than invisible.
  • Caring?- Part of the Christian commitment in this world is compassion, suffering on account of the suffering of another.
  • Responding?- Be prepared to do something besides wringing your hands. If people are hungry, feed them. If the water table is sinking, plant trees. That sort of thing.
  • Analyzing Causes for Human Responsibility?- Not all misery is caused by human beings, but a lot of it is. Who? And How? With particular determination, seek out the operations, acts, and motives, especially in the developed world, that inflict suffering, especially on the developing world.