The program offers courses in Greek and Latin language and literature, as well as other courses taught in English on the history, culture, and civilization of classical antiquity.

?At Fairfield University, no matter what major you choose, you will have the opportunity to broaden and develop your understanding of western culture through the program in classical studies. The minor program can help you to attain proficiency in the languages essential to serious scholarship in classics and will also give you an introduction to the literature, history, art, and philosophy that lie at the root of Western ideas and civilization.

You will have the benefit of small classes, an excellent library collection in classics, and easy access to faculty members who are actively engaged in research and publication. You may also take advantage of opportunities for study abroad. The minor in classical studies provides a special opportunity to add a significant dimension to the general education program that is a foundation for all Fairfield students.

We also offer a variety of Greek and Byzantine art and culture resources at Fairfield University that students can explore.