The curriculum emphasizes the role of accounting as a key component of all business enterprises. Our faculty takes a personal interest in developing our student’s professional foundation and personal potential. Majors acquire excellent accounting and communication skills, and are well versed in the various fields of business. Throughout, you learn how to record, examine, and communicate information concerning an individual's or organizations financial performance.

Fairfield is located a stone’s throw away from the world financial centers in New York City, and several Fortune 500 companies are headquartered throughout the area. Internships with international firms or smaller non-profit organizations are strongly encouraged to give you the opportunity to take advantage of your surroundings while adding a valuable real-word dimension to your education.

Upon graduation, you are able to take the Certified Public Accounting Exam in Connecticut and other states. You may choose to further your education through our own M.S. in accounting, or pursue graduate study in law, accounting or business, or join the workforce as a capable professional in a variety of occupations.??