• The Master's in International Security program prepares professionals to address enduring and emerging security challenges by deepening conceptual knowledge of the field, learning in-depth about a range of current security issues, and mastering analytic and policy skills.
  • The international security program provides a strong background in theories of international relations and strategic thought, as well as electives on a wide range of topics, from great power competition to terrorism and WMD, and nontraditional threats from crime and corruption, cyberspace, food, and natural resource insecurities, and more.
  • Students will learn about leadership, decision-making, and the major national security institutions of defense, intelligence, and diplomacy.
  • The Master of Arts in International Security program requires 12 courses (36 total credits), including seven core courses, and five electives. For their elective options, students can choose a concentration:
    • Intelligence
    • Peace Operations
    • Transnational Challenges
  • The Master's in International Security program prepares students for a range of industries and roles in the public and private sectors, including with the government, think tanks, defense contractors, and NGOs.