Student journalists get a taste of writing across all media, digital communication, multimedia journalism, a real newsroom, and media law and ethics. Student journalists participate in the breaking news process as it unfolds in real-time on social media and online.

All students have opportunities for research, global engagement, public service, and career preparation. As a communication major you can:

  • Apply to the communication honors program and work closely with a professor on a research project of your own.
  • Earn communication credit while studying abroad with Mason’s Center for Global Education.
  • Gain practical experience with a student media organization such as Fourth Estate (the student newspaper) or WGMU (the student radio station).
  • Develop speaking skills through the Debate or Forensics teams.
  • Learn valuable job skills by interning at major media outlets, government agencies, and private corporations (organizations such as the NBC Today Show, ABC News, ESPN Radio, or USA Today).