The program culminates with a full semester of student teaching at both the elementary and secondary level, with an option to student teach abroad. With a reputation for excellence, TCNJ?s art education graduates are represented in school districts and arts organizations across the region. Upon completion of the Bachelor of Arts degree, students qualify for the New Jersey State Art Teacher Certification, kindergarten through twelfth grade.

The conceptual framework for Art Education, as for all programs in professional education at The College of New Jersey, is creating exemplary professionals. Themes and outcomes associated with that framework are described in the School of Education section of the bulletin.

The Art Education major offers a Bachelor of Arts degree and prepares an individual for New Jersey State Art Teacher Certification, kindergarten through twelfth grade. The required curriculum includes a full range of art education, art studio, and art history, courses. Students are given opportunities to experience actual classroom environments and situations through observations and/or teaching practicum in the sophomore, junior and senior years. Required studio courses include 2-D, 3-D, 4-D, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Students create their own path of studio study through the programming of two additional 200- level intermediate studio courses, and three 300-level advanced studio courses. These courses and the required Sophomore Professional Experience, Art Techniques in the Elementary Schools, Art Techniques in Secondary Schools, and Principles, Practices, and Materials in Art Education lead to student teaching. A full semester of student teaching offers experiences at both elementary and secondary levels