The bachelor of science in environmental engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering takes an interdisciplinary approach to educating the next generation of environmental engineers. Accredited by ABET, the program's four-year curriculum provides students with a sound foundation in environmental engineering principals, and the opportunity to integrate other key areas into their coursework, including basic science, social science, humanities, and public policy.

The curriculum of the environmental engineering major is designed so that students:

Excel in the engineering practice, research, and management associated with the protection and conservation of ecological and human health.

Play key roles in the analysis of the behavior of complex natural and engineered environmental systems and design infrastructure in a sustainable way to meet societal needs.

Apply their broad environmental engineering training to excel and become leaders in a diverse range of professions including engineering consulting, industry, medicine, law, government, and education.

Think critically, behave ethically, and consider the technical and social consequences of their work, especially as it affects the health, safety, and environment of both ecological and human communities.

Apply their knowledge creatively and innovatively throughout their careers to meet the challenges posed by a rapidly changing world.