The idea of "the global community" is becoming increasingly important as advanced communication and resource allocation bring nations and peoples together. If you’re interested in this dynamic relationship, international studies at the University of Oregon is a great way to approach it.

A major component of the international dynamic is figuring out how different nations can cooperate peacefully and respectfully. This involves an understanding of cross-cultural communication, issues of human rights, and conflict resolution. The UO’s Department of International Studies allows you to explore all of these aspects of international relationships.

The department's curriculum is designed to allow you to apply international studies to other subjects and disciplines. Maybe you have an interest in urbanization and migration, environmental change, or diplomacy and law.  A working understanding of these issues from an international perspective is a must in an increasingly globalized world.

International studies is also an excellent focus for students interested in teaching and education. Many countries seek U.S. teachers, and at the UO you can focus on English as a second language or on international education.

The UO's course work in international studies is rigorous and challenging. Majors are required to complete an international core, a geographic or regional focus, and a professional concentration. This involves completing some general studies, then picking a region that interests you, and finally fine tuning your major toward a professional goal. You will receive support from the program as a whole and individualized attention within your professional concentration. Upon graduation, you’ll find you’re already a part of the global community.