Public health is integral to every society; it addresses the most pressing health concerns to date by going beyond traditional medical care provided by physicians and current healthcare systems. Through research, public policy and by supporting various organizations, public health graduates learn unique ways to indirectly and directly impact the well-being of a population.

The program offered by the Mercyhurst University was developed to meet the growing demand for public health studies among college students nationwide and in response to the Institute of Medicine's recommendation to the US Department of Education that all college campuses offer public health coursework to undergraduate students.

The learning outcomes are as follows:?

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history and philosophy of Public Health, the healthcare system and the relevant dimensions of health policy, law, ethics and economics related to public health.?
  • Identify the role and importance of using data in Public Health for identifying and addressing population health challenges?
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the science of human health and disease and the principles of health promotion and health protection.?
  • Describe the role socioeconomic, behavioral, biological and environmental factors on human health and their contribution to health disparities.?
  • Use mass media, technical writing and technology to effectively communicate health-related information and to disseminate public health messages to a wide range of audiences.