Anthropologists (including specialists in archaeology) are scientists who investigate human diversity in the past and present. Today?s anthropologists are interested in applying insights from the study of human cultural, biological, and linguistic diversity and change to contribute to contemporary local to global issues. Anthropology is a broad field that integrates with other disciplines.?

The program offered by the Mercyhurst University?prepares students to design and execute original research studies and become leaders in their field.?

Career opportunities

Anthropologists work in corporate firms, local, state and national government agencies, law- enforcement, museums, non-profits, universities, urban settings, and in a wide range of social- and community-focused positions.??Our graduates are sought-after?because they have been trained in critical thinking, pattern recognition, problem solving, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and intercultural skills.??

Potential jobs:

  • Principal investigator
  • Geographic Information Systems Manager & Archaeologist
  • Occupational Therapy Aide
  • Archaeological Monitor and Curation Specialist