
Unlike some other universities?where physics teaching is heavy on listening but light on doing?CWU physics undergraduates work one-on-one with award-winning professors, performing research in state-of-the-art facilities, and presenting results at national and international conferences.

Why the??programme offered by the Central Washington University?

It?s pretty simple?we have great physics professors at Central who have gained national and regional recognition for their teaching and research. And because our focus is on undergraduate teaching, you learn directly from those professors!

The BA program is for students wanting a broad liberal arts education with an emphasis in?physics?and is the appropriate major for students interested in teaching high school?physics. It may be a suitable foundation for students who are planning a career not usually regarded as?physics, such as business education, law, medicine, writing, environmental concerns, public safety, or computer programming.

Those interested in receiving an advanced degree in?physics?or engineering may choose the bachelor of science degree in?physics. The bachelor of science degree is designed for individuals planning careers in?physics?and related technical fields or in areas where knowledge of basic scientific principles is necessary. Incoming freshman?prepared to take calculus their first quarter at CWU should be able to complete the bachelor of science degree in four years.