During the??programme offered by the Central Washington University?students learn how to conceive ideas and collect and present information using words, pictures, and sounds to craft news stories that are accurate, fair, clear, and compelling. Whether destined for print, online or?broadcast?presentation, the focus is on preparing students to research, report and communicate news and non-fiction stories that engage audiences and make a difference in people?s lives.


In today?s environment of converging media, successful journalists need the necessary skills and concepts to tell meaningful stories for a variety of outlets. A specialization in writing and reporting (print media) or broadcasting is required. At Central, broadcast students have excellent opportunities for internships at televisions stations in Yakima, Spokane and Seattle and for networking through a number of student organizations including the National Association of Broadcasters and the Radio and Television News Directors Association.

Why this program?

Central NewsWatch, CWU's student-run television newscast, offers students opportunities to gather, write, and report news stories for broadcast.