In order to qualify for the Master’s program, a student must complete a bachelor's degree in communication or a related field. A student must take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) before entering the Master’s program.

The Master’s program concentrates on four specific fields of communication, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Organizational Communication and Mass (Media) Communication.

Intrapersonal Communication deals with information processing in human organisms and the possibility of genetic capacity to represent the cognitive processes.

Interpersonal Communication is a basic form of communication. It concentrates on the development of corporations and consensus between human beings. Mass (Media) Communication concentrates on complex mediated systems from literacy to electronic systems that developed in the 20th century. Media theories are explored that study the impact of a simple source on complex social population.

Organizational Communication explores the theory and research of complex organizing systems that are designed to achieve outcomes that require corporations and consensus to achieve complex goals.