Numerous upper-division technical electives help students specialize. Our faculty are committed to excellence in teaching by providing innovative, student-focused education.

The B.S. in Computer Science program’s educational objectives address the department’s mission to serve the region, nation, and the world by graduating highly competent students with the potential to become leaders in their profession.

  • Our graduates will have productive careers in industry, academia, and government in which they use theoretical and technical computer science knowledge to design and implement computing systems of different levels of complexity (Quality of Program).
  • Our graduates will contribute to the economic health of the southwest, in particular the Paso del Norte region, through technical expertise and complementary skills such as communication, leadership, and entrepreneurial thinking (Economic Impact).
  • Our graduates will be able to adapt to new technologies, tools and methodologies through graduate studies or other means of self-advancement, to remain at the forefront of computer science practice with the ability to respond to the challenges in the workplace (Life-Long Learning).