An OC Graduate with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music in Education degrees in Music will:

  • Demonstrate the ability to hear, identify, and worked conceptually with the elements of music: rhythm, melody, harmony and structure.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of compositional processes, aesthetic properties of style, and the ways these shape and are shaped by artistic and cultural forces.?
  • Demonstrate an acquaintance with a wide selection of musical literature, the principal eras, genres, and cultural sources.
  • ?Demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and think independently, critically, and creatively regarding musical judgments.
  • Demonstrate an ability in performing areas appropriate to the student?s needs and interests, and the standards of the department, and the ability to perform from a cross-section of that repertory.?
  • Demonstrate an ability to sight read.?
  • Demonstrate acquaintance with repertories beyond the area of specialization through attending recitals, concerts, musical theater and opera productions, and other performances.