he New MS in Health Education will lead you to an exciting and growing profession that can lead to jobs in health agencies, nonprofit organizations, school/colleges/universities, and health care delivery organizations.

Health Education is a field that draws from the biological, environmental, psychological, social, physical and medical sciences to promote health and prevent disease, disability and premature death.

Professionals in the field work to influence the health behavior of individuals as well as the lifestyle conditions that influence their health. Positions include health promotion, wellness, disease management, health consumerism, health literacy and patient safety and advocacy.

Health educators today work --

  • In schools (K-12) – health educator works with students, teachers, school personnel, and parent/guardians, Health educators teach health education classes, promote and implement comprehensive school health programming, promote healthy school environments and school-community
  • In colleges/universities health educators serves students to create an environment in which students feel empowered to make healthy choices, develop ‘healthy choices initiatives’ for students, organize / mentor students to provide peer counseling and advocate for student wellness programs and a healthy student environment.

The opportunities for health educators has exploded over the last few years. Unlike a decade ago where most health educators were employed in the public sector, today health education and behavior modification is entrenched in both the public and private sector (51 percent now work in healthcare and social assistance and 23 percent work in government). In addition, health educators work in grant-making services and social advocacy organizations.