?Students will focus on creativity and innovation; critical thinking and problem solving; and communications and collaboration skills that will prepare them to be competitive in our evolving global society.

By addressing the needs of digital native learners and digital immigrant teachers, whether in a k-12, corporate, or higher educational setting, masters students will learn to asses, problem solve, and design pedagogy for more effective learning.

As classroom instructors across a range of academic disciplines integrate technology into their classrooms, or work place, there is an expanding need to have pedagogy and skills that drive this integration.

The Instructional Technology portfolio and internship based programs prepare Instructional Technology leaders to participate in social, cultural and economic transformation. The learning environment fosters the preparation of practitioners who utilize critical reflection, research, and collaboration to produce and implement innovative technologies to address the evolving needs of learners in a global society.

The Instructional Technology master?s program is housed with the Digital Media Technologies Department, which uses professional design software and media technologies. Students complete an internship in their desired area of expertise. Internships include local schools, corporate environments and higher education institutions. Through learning experiences, students can take face-to-face and distance education classes, providing a?multi-delivery environment for greater learning flexibility.