Psychologists formulate and test theories, using research and statistical methods, in an effort to understand, predict, and influence behavior. As a profession, psychology is dedicated to solving human societal problems.

Psychology is the study of human and mental processes and behavior. Psychology is both a biological and social science, a scholarly discipline, and a profession. Psychologists use many different methods and procedures to study mental processes and behavior and focus on a variety of problems. This means that Psychology is a very diverse discipline, ranging from the neuroscientist who studies brain behavior to the industrial/organizational psychologist who studies the behavior of organizations. Psychologists formulate and test theories, using research and statistical methods, in an effort to understand, predict, and influence behavior. As a profession, psychology is dedicated to solving human societal problems.

Psychology grew from the merger of components of several different disciplines. In the middle and late 19th century, elements of philosophy and physiology merged into the then new science of psychology. Later, in the early 20th century, some of the ideas developing in neurology entered into the still young field. Today there are many sub-disciplines of psychology. One major purpose of an undergraduate program in psychology is to introduce you to the different specialties so you can then explore how psychologists in these areas study behavior and mental activity.

The American Psychological Association has listings of the different specialty areas of Psychology. It may be helpful to review the areas and determine which areas are of most interest to you.

There are over 70 faculty in the Michigan State University's Department of Psychology. These faculty are at the forefront of psychology research. Their primary areas of research span across six main areas of Psychology. They have expertise in the sub-disciplines of Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Cognitive, Ecological/Community, Industrial/Organizational, and Social/Personality. Many of our faculty research across Psychology disciplines as well as outside of the field.