Students in the College of Arts and Letters explore human expression, human experience, and human values through a wide variety of disciplinary subjects, as well as through interdisciplinary study. The College of Arts and Letters hosts many majors and minors in literatures, languages, global religions, philosophy, arts, and cultures.

The college faculty and student body represent diverse backgrounds and cultures and work together to challenge past assumptions and set future directions in the arts and humanities. Relatively small classes and an open and responsive learning environment continue to attract faculty, staff, and students from rich and varied cultural traditions into our educational community.

Through its academic units, the College of Arts and Letters provides opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will not only lead to a degree, but will also serve graduates for a lifetime. Students learn to think creatively, critically and independently while engaging in active inquiry; they learn to ask questions and to pursue new ways of integrating multiple kinds of knowledge as they determine the value of the arts and humanities in a rapidly changing world. In the process, they gain self-knowledge and strengthen their understanding of their role and responsibilities as citizens of a global community.

Students in the College of Arts and Letters become the kind of creative problem-solvers, researchers, and writers that professional schools and employers actively seek, because these graduates have the capacity to continue to learn and contribute critically and creatively long after graduation.