MSU Civil Engineering students may choose a general track of study, or can focus their studies on one of six major tracks—environmental, geotechnical, pavements, structures, transportation, or water resources—with additional work in a combination of the other tracks.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State University is made up of outstanding undergraduate and graduate students, a dedicated faculty and staff, and other resources. We offer degree programs and/or options in both civil and environmental engineering from the BS through the Ph.D.

Undergraduate students can receive a general civil engineering education or become fairly specialized in one of several areas including environmental engineering, hydrology and water resouces, geotechnical engineering, pavements, structures, or transportation.

We also have a formal concentration in environmental engineering. In our graduate program, there are separate degrees offered in civil and environmental engineering and a joint MS program in urban studies. Our graduate and research emphasis areas are in environmental engineering, structural engineering, mechanics and materials, transportation infrastructure systems, hydrology and water resources, and geoengineering. However, both the undergraduate and graduate programs are flexible so that individual student needs/desires can be accommodated. We also have active outreach programs in selected areas.