The Department of Integrative Biology at Michigan State University currently offers undergraduate degree programs in Zoology.

Zoology is the branch of natural science that deals with animal biology. It is concerned with every level of biological organization from the gene to the ecosystem, and with the structure, physiology, behavior, genetics, development, distribution, and evolution of animals in all taxonomic groups. In a broad sense, zoology also deals with the interrelationships between humans and other animals.

The courses in the Department span the diversity of animal life and the entire range of modern biological disciplines concerned with animals. There is ample scope for students to obtain a broad education in biology while also specializing in the particular aspects of biology that interest them most.

The objective of the Bachelor of Science degree program with a major in environmental biology/zoology is to help students to understand the concepts of environmental biology and to apply those concepts to improve both the natural environment and the environment perturbed by human activities. The focus of the program is on animal biology. The integrative biology courses in the program emphasize ecology, systematics, and environmental science.