Most actuaries will move into careers in the insurance industry. Preparing for actuarial preliminary exams is stressed throughout the degree.

The MSU Actuarial Science Program is an interdisciplinary program that provides comprehensive training as a major or a specialization to highly motivated students in Michigan State University's College of Natural Science.

Finance, economics, accounting, computer science, statistics and probability all play a significant role in our education of the next generations of actuaries.

Each individual is admitted to the major based on his/her academic success, informed desire to pursue a career in the industry, and demonstrated potential to achieve established goals. After acceptance into the major or specializations, student scholars pursue a challenging academic program aligned with their professional interests.

Based on student preparation, the MSU Actuarial Science Program provides employers with the confidence that actuarial science students have the technical and soft skills necessary to make immediate contributions to their organization.

An employer can expect our students to:
  • Be prepared for exams P, FM, MFE, MLC and C as majors and P, FM and part of MLC as specializations,
  • Master the content in courses that have been approved for VEE certification in applied statistics, corporate finance and economics,
  • Have a modern approach to actuarial science that incorporates numerical analysis of problems using software like Excel or other software as well as high-level computer programs and actuarial software,
  • Understand that actuaries have a duty to their employers and to society to communicate ideas effectively and to behave ethically, with the utmost respect for those who are affected by their actions,
  • Work well individually and cooperatively,
  • Be aware that the field is growing by leaps and bound, and that new, non-traditional applications arise constantly,
  • Understand that the education of an actuary does not stop at graduation, and that active membership in the SOA, CAS, or CIA is vital to the North American actuary.