The dance concentrations facilitate student growth as choreographers, performers and teachers while emphasizing integrated learning through creative thinking, innovative problem solving, skill development, technology and diversity. In addition, a salient component of the Dance concentrations is its global perspective. Concentrations are designed to expose students to dance from an artistic and cultural point of view and to immerse students into a variety of authentic cultural experiences.

The Dance Performance concentration is a blend of dance and theatre and is designed to prepare students for a professional career in dance. The concentration provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to further pursue dance through graduate education, professional performance, and/or dance as an avocation. Upon completion of the DP concentration, students will receive the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre with a Concentration in Dance Performance.

In additional to artistic development, the goal of the DT concentration is to produce highly competent dancers who are aware of, sensitive to and responsive to social issues, who are contributing citizens with a global perspective and an appreciation of diverse peoples and cultures.

The DP concentration provides many exciting professional possibilities. If your career path will include graduate school or professional programs you will need to maintain above average grades as most graduate programs require a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4 point scale.

Students with a concentration in DP are required to complete a minimum of 124 credit hours which include: 44 credit hours from prescribed General Education Curriculum, 22 credit hours in dance technique, and 58 credit hours in theatre.