The Behavioral Science?major provides a lifetime's worth of useful insights and information about how individuals behave at?home, at school, in the workplace and in the?community. This helps to prepare a student for any?job and or occupation involving people, in multiple?settings including education, human services,?business, government and law enforcement.
Mercy's Behavioral Science program provides a?combination of structure and flexibility with a 36-credit?major that includes 4 required courses and 8 elective?courses. Representative required courses include:?Computers for the Social and Behavioral Sciences,?Social Psychology, Methodology for the Social and?Behavioral Sciences, and Classics for the Social and?Behavioral Sciences. All Health Services Management?students choose from electives that enable them to?tailor their program to his or her particular interests?and career goals, in subjects such as: Industrial?Psychology, Medical Sociology, Health Care Organization?and Management, and Medical Ethics. Additionally,?the program offers many opportunities for career?development through credit-earning internships at a?variety of NYC area worksites.