Graduates are armed with processes and skills that can be used in multiple venues and transferred to existing and emerging design and media environments. 
DMS focuses on three foundational curriculum components: design, theory and technology. Students develop design skill sets; master knowledge of graphic design including history and theory; and implement processes that integrate current "best practices" in research, inquiry, technical and communication skills.Projects frequently aim to reinforce the Detroit Mercy mission through engagement with the urban context and community as well as through investigations of issues of social justice. 
A strong inter-disciplinary core curriculum develops critical thinking skills to create the foundation for creative applications, advanced skill sets, and experimentation. To underscore the impact of a broad inter-disciplinary foundation, a minor is required in addition to the BA in DMS. 
A minor complements the digital media skills necessary for working in a broad array of professions. 
DMS graduates will be able to participate fully as thoughtful, communicative, creative, compassionate, engaged, and successful members of the global society as reflected in the Jesuit and Mercy identities..