Biological Sciences has undergone tremendous expansion in recent years and now comprises numerous sub fields, including cell biology, evolutionary biology and ecology.? program from the Metropolitan State University of Denver offers courses in the entire spectrum including General Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, General Botany, Zoology, Ecology, and Cell and Molecular Biology.

Possibilities for amazing internships or research projects for MSU Denver Biology majors abound. For instance, during a summer research program you could study HIV pathogenesis or how gene activity can change even without altering the genetic code or you could help develop latex boots to protect the infected feet of rhinos during an internship at the Denver Zoo. You can even spend an intensive two weeks studying the flora and fauna of Costa Rica, ?Walk in Darwin?s Footsteps? during 13 days in Ecuador and the Gal?pagos Islands, or study Paleobotany while exploring the Eocene world of Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument.

Career prospects

What can you do with a Biology degree from MSU Denver? The career path for entry-level careers if you hold a B.S. in in Biology includes research scientist (life sciences and medical), microbiologist, pharmacologist, physician associate, nature conservationist and education among many others.

Most MSU Denver students earning a B.A. in Biology concurrently study education, pursuing secondary teacher licensure.

If you pursue a postgraduate degree, your career options are nearly endless in the fields of medicine, education, research, botany and zoology.