The program at Metropolitan State University of Denver is an affordable, top-quality education. According to an external reviewer, the Math program at MSU Denver is ?a gem. It is offering the students the same quality of education that they would receive at an Ivy League School for a fraction of the price.? And with a passionate faculty of Mathematics teacher-scholars dedicated to helping you get the most from your academic experience, you?ll thrive in this diverse, urban learning environment.

Career prospects

Employers in business, science, technology and government sectors need problem-solvers who understand numbers, mathematical modeling, technologies and Big Data. These are just some examples of what you can get into with your B.S. degree in Mathematics from MSU Denver:

  • Astronomy and Space Exploration
  • Biotechnology Research
  • Climate Study
  • Computer Science and Security
  • Cryptography
  • Economics and Business Analysis
  • Finance and Banking
  • Medical, Business or Law School
  • Research and Academia
  • Statistical and Mathematical Modeling