The fundamental principles of physics drive new technologies, from computers to telecommunications devices to space travel. Physicists around the world are motivated by the opportunity to use and help direct this knowledge and these applications.

The? program offered by the Metropolitan State University of Denver will help you develop critical-thinking skills, ingenuity and the ability to address unforeseen problems. Plus, you?ll gain strong applied and advanced mathematical skills as well as valuable experience with computer programming, modeling and simulations. Working in state-of-the-art laboratories with sophisticated equipment, you?ll improve your mechanical aptitude and your capacity to grasp new technologies quickly.

Career prospects

  • Ballistics expert
  • Astronomer
  • Biophysicist
  • Cryogenic specialist
  • Laboratory technician
  • Photo-optics technician
  • Seismologist
  • Photogrammetrist
  • Geophysicist
  • Aerospace engineer