During the? program offered by the Metropolitan State University of Denver,? you will get a broad business education by studying accounting, business analytics, marketing and finance along with management classes that include human resources management, operations, business law, general management and international business.

Taking a classic MSU Denver approach?practical, real-world and multicultural?your business management program will expose you to relevant class projects, resume-building internships, global study and faculty who are not only dedicated professors but who also have professional business experience they bring into the classroom.

Career prospects

A Management degree from MSU Denver is an incredibly flexible degree program that will prepare you for business management positions or your own entrepreneurial endeavors.

These are some job titles held by MSU Denver Management alumni:

  • Project manager
  • Management analyst
  • Chief of staffing
  • Strategic planner
  • Employee training and development specialist
  • President
  • Corporate director of patient access
  • Plant manager
  • General manager
  • Director of operations
  • Franchise vice president
  • CEO