With specialists playing important roles in the constantly evolving world of technology, it?s no surprise that diverse career opportunities in the field of Technical Communication are booming.

As a student of the Technical Communication program offered by the Metropolitan State University of Denver, you?ll understand the ethics, legal and technology components necessary for employment in this dynamic sector.

You can choose from four areas of concentration or an extended major, which includes more credit hours but does not require you to earn a minor:

  • The Interactive Media Production
  • The Mobile and Social Media
  • The Technical Writing and Editing
  • The Video Production

Career prospects

Among the types of businesses and industries where a graduate of MSU Denver?s Technical Communication program may find employment are:

  • Advertising agencies
  • Media production companies
  • Government
  • Technology businesses
  • Corporate research laboratories
  • Marketing and public relations firms that use social media
  • Telecommunications companies
  • Television stations
  • Web design companies