The program invites MA candidates to build on this foundation by developing an expertise in teaching, and by expanding their content knowledge with courses in rhetoric, literature, film, and applied linguistics.??

Job choices for English majors go beyond the obvious options of teaching, graduate school, or becoming a writer, because graduates also excel in many other areas. Because English majors have learned how to write, analyze material, and communicate effectively, and are good problem solvers, they work in many different fields, including broadcasting, sales & marketing, management, government and entertainment. The kinds of text analysis, writing, and thinking English majors specialize in enhance their creativity, their understanding of human motivation, and their ability to present clear and logical arguments, both in writing and orally.

The English Studies graduate program provides a strong foundation in primary knowledge areas, including history of the English language, the major genres and the theory of genre, approaches to literacy, and the impact of technology on reading and writing. The program invites MA candidates to build on this foundation by developing an expertise in teaching, and by expanding their content knowledge with courses in rhetoric, literature, film, and applied linguistics.