• Master of Criminal Justice at the University of Colorado​ is offered as a 2-years program by the School of Public Affairs.
  • This university is ranked #398 worldwide by QS World University Rankings.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis only.
  • Provides students interested in comprehensive professional graduate education in criminology and criminal justice with an in-depth understanding of existing structures, practices, and challenges.
  • Part of an academic and professional field of study, the MCJ program prepares students to administer, analyze, evaluate and facilitate improvements in the rationality and responsiveness of the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
  • Research design capability is emphasized alongside skills required for analyzing empirical data and innovating in crime control and prevention.
  • Students who advance through the program acquire strategies and skills necessary for promoting individual, organizational and social change.
  • Students will master a broad-based understanding of the nature, causes, and consequences of crime and victimization and the societal institutions designed to deal with crime and justice issues.
  • Students will be able to analyze current policies and practices related to the most pressing issues impacting individuals, families, and communities affected by crime.
  • Students will master an understanding of how historical, cultural and structural forces influence the causes of crime/victimization and the criminal justice system's responses.
  • The Master of Criminal Justice program consists of 36 credits.