Social work addresses societal concerns and the well-being of people to ensure they have equal access to resources, services and opportunities. Social workers encourage change by striving to end discrimination, oppression, poverty and other forms of social injustice. They work in many different settings, including:

  • Child welfare and family service agencies
  • Community mental health or substance abuse treatment centers
  • Nonprofit, government or private human service programs
  • Retirement centers, nursing homes or other aging programs for older people and their families
  • School or community programs to meet the needs of children

The program will provide you a solid foundation in the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the social work field and will prepare you for the required state licensing exam.
University also offers many opportunities to work with the community, practice skills, get involved in social work organizations and networks from the beginning of your studies. As part of this curriculum, this program has service-learning projects in the introductory courses and practice courses that apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations.