When you pursue a graduate degree in Philosophy at the University of North Texas, you'll join an internationally recognized program that is known for its focus on environmental ethics and philosophy.

The Department of Philosophy and Religion offers course work leading to a Doctor of Philosophy degree or a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy.

The world-renowned doctoral program offers specializations in ethics and philosophy. Faculty have expertise in philosophy and public policy, philosophy in science and technology, and religion and ecology. We encourage both traditional scholarship and more practical, engaged, and collaborative approaches in philosophy, as well as interdisciplinarity and work that addresses public concerns.

You'll study with nationally and internationally recognized professors and researchers. Our program was founded by emeritus professors Eugene C. Hargrove and Pete A.Y. Gunter. Our faculty members work in the field as well as the classroom, teaching courses in:

  • Eco-feminism
  • Eco-phenomenology
  • Environmental aesthetics
  • Environmental justice
  • Environmental policy
  • Environmental justice
  • Hinduism and Jainism
  • Land ethics
  • Philosophy of animals
  • Philosophy of biocultural conservation
  • Philosophy of ecology
  • Philosophy of food