• The graduate programs in the Department of History at the University of North Texas help you shape the future in higher education, public service, and research.
  • We offer course work leading to a Master of Arts, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree. On the master's level, you can focus your studies on the history of the United States or Europe, as well as the Ancient World and many non-western countries. On the doctoral level, concentrations are available in U.S., European or military history.
  • Graduate classes normally include eight to 12 students, allowing you to receive personal attention from the instructor. Course offerings are available in the areas noted above as well as in environmental, imperial and women's and gender history. Our department has special strengths in Texas history, military history, and body, place and identity. Through extensive reading, writing assignments and specialized seminar classes, you'll strengthen your analytical, writing, research and presentation skills.
  • The classes are taught by faculty who've published numerous books and articles, been awarded many research grants and earned national and international recognition in their fields.