Business education at OWU is significantly different than at a big university. Learn to think differently, so you can stand out from the crowd. You'll benefit from rigorous business classes, real-world experience, and close ties with your professors. You?ll graduate with solid business knowledge and a liberal arts education that helps you develop the skills that employers crave: critical thinking, decision making, communication, creativity, teamwork, and global perspective. These are also vital skills for budding entrepreneurs.

Additionally, business students receive help obtaining meaningful internships and externships (short-term shadowing opportunities). Theory-to-Practice is real at OWU.

The Business Administration major includes exposure to management theory, human resources management and behavior, accounting and other quantitative methods, logistics, organization and production, marketing, and strategic decision-making. The program builds upon knowledge of the functional, environmental, behavioral, and legal aspects of business as well as providing analytical and conceptual tools for analyzing complicated problems in real-world settings.