The program emphasizes design, and culminates in a senior year capstone project that teams electrical engineering students with students from the aerospace and software engineering programs. Graduates also have specialized in avionics to prepare for positions in the aviation industry.

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering provides the student with the opportunity to acquire a broad background in circuit theory, communication systems, computers, control systems, electromagnetic fields, energy sources and systems, and electronic devices. The student also gains specialization in avionics appropriate for entry-level engineering positions in the aerospace industry. Emphasis on design places the Embry-Riddle Electrical Engineering student in a unique position to increase employment opportunities after graduation.

The overall objective of the Electrical Engineering program at Prescott is to produce graduates who will be successful practitioners of electrical engineering.

The program objectives to measure our accomplishment of this goal are engineers who:
  • Demonstrate achievements in their chosen profession
  • Contribute to the development of the profession
  • Engage in professional growth
  • Contribute to the welfare of society through service